Friday 10 February 2012

God does listen

So, I had one of those "Wow!" moments the other night.
I've asked for prayer, perhaps from you specifically, 
that God would help me learn French.

In the middle of taking notes at our Tuesday night study, 
while my gifted husband taught Revelation 3,
it dawned on me...

...I'm writing in French !!!
I'm listening to French !!!
I'm understanding French !!!

I can speak French !!!

Thank You Jesus for hearing our requests and answering.
You deserve all the glory.

--Love Lindsey


  1. Oui, c'est vrai, récemment je pensais en moi-même que tu es vraiment de plus en plus à l'aise en français ! tu parles de plus en plus couramment et sans accent "amewicain "! C'est vrai que tu as un prof particulier à plein temps mais tu ...triches! parce que ...tu demandes l'aide du Seigneur et surprise, ... Il répond à ces prières! Bravo, Continue! Love in Jesus, Pierre

  2. Replies
    1. hmm... I haven't seen any other comments on this entry. I'm sorry to whoever this is. I'm sure it's swirling around cyberspace somewhere having a good ol' time =)

    2. it's your mystery commenter(or?)! Your fave one that is incredibly inept at this stuff ddespite being married to a computer man.

  3. that's so great Lindsey! It's a HUGE accomplishment! :)
