Hey guys, Tonio and I are happy to announce that I'm entering my 38th week of pregnancy. After the bed rest and being a bit nervous to have a premature baby, it looks like our little one likes being in the oven. (photo credit : my handsome)
He or she has not stopped moving. If their activity in the womb is an indicator of future events, we've got a shaker and a mover on our hands.
Wearing stripes is always fun, and I LOVE pregnancy shirts - they make me feel quasi
normal. Thanks mom for these prego shorts and this top !
Today at church, I got the typical, "I was never THAT HUGE." Like water off a duck's back, let it roll, and God grant me patience and love.
I'm so proud of each kilogram that I've gained, 17 kg (37.5 lbs.)... all for you baby, but it will be nice for my hips and back to lose it.
So, the due date is the 4th of January, 2015. Of course this is just a rough estimate. Another woman at church today said that she never made it past 34 weeks for all three of her kids... I'm so thankful we are each fearfully and wonderfully made, unique, perfect designs of our Creator (just read Psalm 139 yesterday in my
One Year Bible). God has given me so much peace that our little gift will come in HIS perfect time. Believe me, this peace is an answer to prayer... it's been up and down, dang hormones and homesickness.
Tonio and I are thankful that God has blessed us with this child. Our prayer is that we raise him or her in the knowledge of Christ to be a disciple for Him. And Lord willing, we hope this is just a big brother or sister to others ;).
Love Linz